RBIS Rubericla Trail Breaker
23RD JUNE 2018
I would like to thank the NCSBTC for inviting me to judge their breed open show and to all exhibitors who brought their dogs for me to assess.Also thanks to my stewards and the commitee for a super run show,I really enjoyed my day and they were some nice specimens for me to go over.
MPD 3,1a
1st Hirst & Bibbys Taraiel Soulja Boy, b/br standard sized, pleasing head shape with dark eyes and well set neat ears, nice bone, straight front on well padded feet, plenty of rib and showing a good size overall for age, prefer fitter but still very much a baby, moved well.
2nd Howards Sikaistaff Man of Steel, b/br nice size head of good proportions with clean muzzle, front of ample width on nicely padded feet, short in back and nice pigment, moved ok
PD 4
1st Johnsons Tillcar Fire Coanda, b/br handsome pup with a great head shape,dark well spaced eye giving a keen expression , showing good muscle and bone for age, straight front with good length of forearm,strong neck and good angulations front and rear, moved well BPD
2nd Harkins Harkline Conor McGregor, b/br deep through blocky head shape with dark round well spaced eye giving a keen expression,good width to front on tidy feet,compact in profile with level topline, moved ok
JD 0
MD 1
1st Hirst & Bibbys Taraiel Soulja Boy
ND 2
1st Prestons Tillcar Fire Starter, br/white, clean well proportioned head , nice front with a decent length to leg on tight feet, short coat in good condition,needs a little more rib which should come with maturity, moved ok
2nd Taraiel Soulja Boy
GD 2
1st Axes Harleys Choice JW, blocky head with pronounced cheek muscle, well off for bone and substance, straight front, short in body with excellent topline, well muscled rear with short hock,neat tail correctly set,moved ok
2nd Wooleys Speedhunter Paso Doble At Bethaleese, br/white, nice deep through head, dark round eye,front is true and well boned and decent length of forearm, just prefered profile of 1,good condition, moved ok
PGD 5,1a
1st Stanways Waystaff Strike Force, red/white,nice standard sized dog with pleasing shaped head with lovely dark eye and mask, pronounced cheek muscle,clean front showing good balance height to width, good front rear angulation and well let down hock,short and compact, moved well
2nd Morrells Mr Prospector Des Terres D' Armor, br, nice head showing good balance, lovely expression, dark eye and tidy ears,nice straight boned front would prefer a bit more width to height ratio,level topline short coat with good rib,moved well
LD 4
1st Rowe & Souths Illori Akinlana JW SHCM, b,br,upstanding with good head proportions,clean in forface, nice ear carriage and dark eye, lovely balanced front showing ample width and nice height,strong neck, barrell ribs and nice tuck in loin,moved well
2nd Rowbothams Elitebull Black And Brass JW, b/br, stronger in head than 1, short strong muzzle, handsome expression with lovely earset, strong in neck, excellent topline,front straight but prefer more width to height, short and compact, moved well
OD 4
1st Allsopps Rubericla Trail Breaker b/br, a top sized dog with a lovely balance troughout,deep through head with no exagerations,clean lipped and strong muzzle,dark eye lovely earset, straight front with super height to width ratio,short in back, nice and fit showing good muscle, well sprung ribs and nice and light in loin,short tight fitting coat and excellent pigment, a nicely balanced dog overall, moved ok, BD and RBIS
2nd Stanways Waystaff What A Cracker br/white, striking headed dog with lovely proportions,lovely expression with dark well placed eye,nice clean strong muzzle, straight front and well boned with tight well padded feet, short coupled with a nice tuck to the loin,super fit, hard to the touch,excellent topline, a compact dog showing good overall balance,moved well, RBD
VD 1, 1a
1st Wooleys Bethalees Ce La Vie, b/br, a nicely sized pup for age showing good bone and substance, lovely clean shaped head with a dark eye and keen expression,ears need to settle, clean straight front with tight feet, level topline, still only a baby,moved ok
2nd Millers Skyland Ontario, b/br, nice feminine head with a dark eye and nicely set ears giving a lovely expression, good width to front ,level topline,nice and short with good tailset,moved ok
PB 2,1a
1st Johnsons Tillcar Baptism Of Fire, b/br,standard sized pupwith a stunning head, a proper show off ,nicely spaced dark round eye set straight ahead giving her a wicked expression that demands attention,neatly set rose ears , correct weight of bone for size,clean straight front on tight well padded feet,ribs developing nicely,super rear quarters pads set correctly under tailset, moved well BB and BIS
JB 1
1st Hoggards Lonemoor Inion De For Zaagabull, b/br, pleasing head shape with dark eye and tidy ears, nice proportions overall, straight in front with short nails and good feet, nicely ribbed and light in loins, level topline, moved ok
MB 1
1st Millers Skyland Ontario
NB 0
GB 2
1st Rowe & Souths Illori Believe In Me JW, br, top sized bitch with nice size skull/muzzle ratio, nice dark pigment,strong true front on the best of feet, well sprung rib and nice tuck in loin, good angles throughout,moved well
2nd Robinsons Mills Sidam Wonder, b/br, decent head with pretty expression, good muzzle to skull ratio,straight front and well ribbed ,good tailset,didnt seem to be enjoying herself, moved ok
PGB 5,2a
1st Saunts Moonlight Shimmer Of Darklands, b/br,standard sized girl with lovely proportioned head, pretty strong but feminine expression, straight front on nice tight feet, topline and tailset, nicely muscled,moved well
2nd Mudds Chiswellstaff Jean Jeanie, b/br/, clean head with decent muzzle length, dark eye and neat ears, straight front on tidy feet,excellent coat and condition,correct tailset, moved ok
LB 2
1st Millers Skyland Unique, br, nice feminine headshape with dark eye and clean muzzle,good width to front straight and clean off the shoulder,level topline and well angulated rear,moved ok
2nd Grieves Nettleworth No Kan Do, b/br,blocky skull with short blunt muzzle, nice round well placed eye, a compact short body with good topline,nice tuck up in loin, moved ok
1st Stanways Stormfire Crack The Code At Waystaff (IMP ESP), w/red pied, pleasing feminine head shape with a pretty expression,good skull ratio, nice weight of bone and balanced throughout, straight clean front, ok feet short nails,nicely ribbed with level topline and good angulations,moved well, RBB
VB 4,2a
1st Parkers Nettleworth Nitty Gritty JW, b/br, strong but feminine head, nice clean lip with strong muzzle and plenty underjaw, true front,topline ok, well ribbed with good rear angulations, in good coat and condition,moved ok
2nd Rowe & Souths Oscellsies Tiger Lilly At Simazyanya,b/br, topsize girl,slightly longer in muzzle but nice proportions, nice straight front and ample rib,had back injury so not moved well but still fiesty !!
Keith Frankland (ALDWYCH)

Best Veteran Nettleworth Nitty Gritty JW