*Overseas Membership is now same price as UK*

*There are three Newsletters per year just for Members*

*We are planning members only Facebook group* 

*Members get special prices at our events*

*Don't miss out make yourself a member*

To ask for a membership form please fill in the form below
Or you can download a membership form here

Payment for membership

You can pay via bank transfer at 

Northern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club

Lloyds Bank 30 99 50 account number 61295562

If paying by bank transfer prices are :- Single £5 Joint £6

Or via Paypal Email: ncsbtcsec@gmail.com

Please pay friends and family or add one pound extra for Paypal fees

below is payable with fees added

Single Membership 1 year

£ 6.00 

To join the club please fill in the form Payment via Paypal will be £1.00 extra for fees

Joint Membership 1 Year

£ 7.00 

To join the club please fill in the form Payment via Paypal will be £1.00 extra for fees

Contact Us