Northern Counties SBTC Championship show September 14th, 2024
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Dogs
Judge: Mr Craig Dillon (Cragails)
Thank you to the Northern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier club committee for inviting me to judge Staffordshire Bull terrier dogs at their 2024 Ch. show, to my 2 stewards for keeping things flowing smoothly and to the exhibitors & spectators who took my opinions sportingly and provided a great atmosphere around the ring. It was humbling to receive such a warm reception from the Staffordshire bull terrier fraternity.
The standard of exhibit was very high in some classes and some decisions were very close and could / will change places on any other given day with another judge. My decisions & subsequent awards were made with soundness and lack of exaggeration in mind without compromise of breed type & I was very pleased with all my winners. On the downside, fitness and lack of muscle tone was prevalent in a number of exhibits, and I saw few that would befit ‘muscular and defined’. But that said , condition can be rectified with adequate exercise , balance and soundness has to be bred for and that was evident in abundance today. So it augurs well for the breed going forward.
A superbly balanced Black brindle. A dog of outstanding virtue who looked a winner from the moment he stepped in the ring. Typey and contemporary Stafford head without coarseness with clean muzzle of sufficient length and breathing capacity, good sized teeth with perfect scissor bite. Dark & well-placed eye, set off by neat rose ears to compliment. In front he exhibits good skeletal angulation with pastern, humerus and scapulae all complimenting. Sufficient width of front showing correct weight distribution from shoulder to pastern and strong foot. From above he has lovely flowing taper from strong neck, through shoulder to loin and exhibiting good rib. In profile he exhibits lovely balance with strength at withers, with a perfect topline and pleasing underline to compliment. Good rear showing correct angle at pelvis facilitating correct low tail set, turn of stifle and solid rear foot position (just behind his pelvic line). Movement was true both fore and aft and he displayed a very pleasing picture of purpose and class when viewed on the move in profile carrying his tail in the correct `pump handle` fashion and held all the aforementioned virtue throughout.
Presented immaculately by his young lady handler and I was very pleased to award him Dog CC.
RDCC. Walton, Kirk & Rochelle`s KIRKSTAFF GOD OF THUNDER
Stylish, balanced, upstanding Red. Super balanced dog throughout showing all the desired virtue without exaggeration and lacking nothing. Strong masculine head, deep through from skull to powerful jaw. Dark eyes well placed, and his dark pigment and neat rose ears complete an alert / intense expression. Front is of sufficient width with complimenting angulation at scapulae, humerus and pastern with good feet. Strong neck flows to tapering shoulder, sprung rib to loin when viewed from above with his strong muscular pelvis and thigh completing a pleasing picture. In profile he has a good topline with prominent withers and correctly angled pelvis accommodating correct low set-on of tail. He has correct angulation at stifle and solid rear foot position (just behind his pelvic line) which provided powerful drive from the rear on moving out. He moved well both ways and in profile he showed good reach and balance between the fore and rear holding a good profile/topline with his tail carried correctly. Beat some stiff competition for the RCC. Well done.
1. Funnel`s: Powerpack Jack in the Box
Very promising b/brindle dog who exhibits a lovely outline. Super front, straight and well boned, with correct angulation and length at humerus, strong pastern and feet. Pleasing head with discernible stop, clean short muzzle & good dentition. Nice balance and proportion in profile and good topline leading to correctly angulated rear. Moved out well for one so young. He held his own against more mature males in the next few classes too. BPD. Well done.
2.Duffield, Mansfield-Duffield: Sharmara Lacrnum Inflamari
Red with white chest. A very nice red who`s maturity belies his age. Strong masculine head, deep through and with desired prominent cheek bumps. Large teeth, good bite and that lovely darker pigment to his foreface that completes the `look`. Super front of good width and good weight distribution through the joint angles at shoulder, humerus and pastern to the feet. Well bodied and muscular from shoulder to his rear. Good topline and sufficient tuck on the underline to balance. Correct angulation to his pelvis and stifle accommodating sound movement.
3. Rooney`s: Jet fire blue
1. Funnel`s Powerpack Jack in the Box (see MPD winner)
2.Vallin`s: Virtus Et Honor U are Gold
Really nice B/Brindle who showed super balance throughout. Lovely head with short clean muzzle. Good bite, dark eye, neat ears and piercing expression. Front is of sufficient width, well boned and with strong feet. Nice balance and taper from shoulder through to loin when viewed from above and developing thigh musculature. In profile he has correct topline and complimenting underline, with correctly angled pelvis and turn of stifle. Moved very well on front and rear and presented a pleasing picture in profile.
3. Jackson`s: Jackabyte Redemption
1. Duncan`s: Rhebelstaff Hunky Dory
A very balanced B/Brindle who was very sound throughout. Correct head properties without coarseness or exaggeration. Correct skull to muzzle ratio and being deep through in skull. Good bite and clean lip. Super front of good width, depth and exhibiting correct weight distribution through correctness of the joint angles. Well bodied showing good rib and a degree of taper from shoulder to loin when viewed from above. In profile he shows good angulations front and rear with a level topline and complimenting underline. His movement was effortless (when settled) and was probably the best of the day. To be critical he needed to be fitter, then he may have troubled for the top awards. He was certainly given consideration. Nice dog.
2. Marsden`s: Jayneze Doctor Jimmy at Modlife
A super upstanding B/Brindle. Strong head properties but not overdone at all. Piercing expression, good mouth and clean lip. Good skull / muzzle ratio and defined stop. Front of sufficient width showing correct angulation and length at humerus, pastern and strong footing. Viewed from above has the desired taper from shoulder to loin with sufficient rib to compliment. Presents a pleasing profile with good topline / underline, angled pelvis and turn of stifle. Moved well both ways and held it all together in profile too. A very nice dog who was only narrowly beaten by 1.
3. Moorcroft`s: Ellchansa Charm the Devil at Moorstar
YD 1. Johnson`s: Tillcar Fire Soldier
A very sound B/brindle who`s virtue is his soundness and balance of body properties. Strong headed, being deep through with short muzzle and good bite. Good front showing correct width and depth in fore chest, good bone, correct angulation and sound footing. Very pleasing shoulder to waist taper from above and powerful well-muscled rear. In profile he has good topline, a degree of tuck in his underline and correct angulation front and rear. He moved well both ways and held a good outline in profile on the move.
2. Bennet`s: Powerpack Singularity
A very nicely constructed b/brindle. Good head without coarseness, sound angulations front and rear, correct topline with complimenting underline, pelvis angled to facilitate correct low set-on of tail and angle at stifle. Nicely tapered from muscular shoulders through rib to light loin when viewed from above. 1st place just showed a more finished package.
3. Lloyds: Kalostaff Es Lo Que Es JW
1. Funnel`s: Powerpack Jack in The Box (see MPD, PD winner)
2. Moult`s: Kamaristaffs Royal Legend
Nicely constructed B/Brindle of sound proportions throughout. Good head, desired muzzle / skull ratio, clean lip and good bite. Straight bone on front legs with good width between. Strong neck, wide shoulders and good rib when viewed from above. Strong hindquarters showing correctness in angulation. In profile his correctness of angulation front and rear is evident, and he holds a level topline. His profile / underline was spoiled by a lack of fitness (too much weight) which if rectified as he matures will present a very pleasing picture.
3. Walbey`s: Tyneview Rizzius Lusso
1. Walton, Kirk, Rochelle & Rochelle`s: Kirkstaff God of Thunder (see RCC winner)
2. Mills: Stormbreakers Vengeance at Milarkebull. Upstanding Red who was very similar to 1st in his makeup. Strong head without coarseness. Skull is deep through with pronounced jaw/cheek muscles, clean lip, good bite and dark pigment. Straight front with good angulation to provide correct weight distribution. Good body properties with sufficient rib and lightness in loin. Level topline, complimenting underline and correctly angled rear. Moved well and held a good profile in doing so.
3. Boulton, Gillespie-Wren & Hayton: Dusklight Ice Ice Baby.
1. Thomas: Biggleswick Mr Tom
Very pleasing standard deep red dog. Meets the standard very well. Very good head with muzzle and skull of proportionate ratio, clean lip, good bite and that lovely pigmentation that completes. Straight, well boned front showing sufficient width and angulation down to good feet. Nice shoulder to waist ratio with good rib and strong hindquarters when viewed from above. In profile he has a good topline and a desirable underline showing just enough tuck. Moved very well both ways and in profile.
2. Lowe & Kaur-Hayre: Big man on Mac Dui Shawrigg: A very nice red fawn / white. Strong but clean head, good skull / muzzle properties and good bite. Front of good width with good fore chest. Correct angulation at humeral joint and sound footing. Lovely, tapered body properties from shoulder to loin with good rib. Strongly muscled rear and low set on of tail. Correct topline with strong withers and correct angulation front and rear when viewed in profile. Good on the move front and rear and in profile.
3. Clarke: Rowellstaff Easy Tiger
1. Oram: Kamaristaffs Royal Rumble for Kalanibull Super eye catching and stylish B/brindle. A powerful boy but not coarse in the slightest. Strong, well-proportioned head with deep through skull, pronounced jaw muscle, clean lipped and with good bite. Super front with complimenting angulations at scapulae, humerus and pastern joints and showing sufficient width/depth to fore chest. From above he had the body properties that I value with taper from shoulder to lighter loin and well-muscled pelvic and thigh musculature. In profile he shows correct topline with strong withers and desired angulation at pelvis accommodating low set-on of tail and correct rear foot position (just behind pelvic line) moved very well and was strongly considered for the RCC.
Yates: Zakdan Devious Devil JW Nicely constructed b/brindle who was sound throughout. Good head with proportionate skull to muzzle ratio. Dark eye well placed, neat ears and defined stop. Clean lip with good mouth. Good front showing correctness in angulation providing good weight distribution. Pleasing profile with correct topline and underline and exhibiting correct angle at pelvis and stifle which provided solid footing in his rear and sufficient drive on moving out. A good mover both ways and solid in profile.
3. Kirk: Kirstaff the First Avenger JW
2. Baudouin: Skillstaff Tally`s man. Another very classy B/Brindle who was very pleasing to the eye. Lovely head properties, strong without any exaggeration, deep through with correct skull / muzzle ratio. Clean lip and good bite. His front shows correctness of skeletal angulation at humerus and pastern accommodating strong footing on the fore. Sufficient width and depth to fore chest and good rib. Tapers from shoulder through rib to lighter loin with good muscularity in pelvis and thigh. In profile he shows strong topline with muscular withers, level back and correctly angled croup with low set-on of tail and rear foot sitting in strong position (just behind pelvic line) with well bent stifle. He moved very well and maintained his profile. Very nice dog.
3. Sheldon: Kamaristaff Royal Ransom at Bowtman
1 Rowe & South: Illori Akinlana JW ShCM VW Cracking B/Brindle. I awarded this dog a RCC previously as a veteran and he still holds his sparkle and virtue today albeit a little bit older. Clean head, correct muzzle/skull ratio, defined stop and good bite. Super proportions throughout. Front exhibits lovely width and depth and correctness of angulations providing ease of weight distribution throughout. Still holds a nice taper from shoulder through sprung rib to loin. Strong rear footing provided by correct pelvic angulation and turn of stifle. Moved very well. BVD, BVIS
2 Roper-Hook: Trawden Ice Cool. A striking red/white. Very nice dog throughout with condition and sparkle that would outshine many younger than him. Strong but clean headed with attractive marking. Dark eye, neat ears. Skull deep through with defined stop and strong muzzle without coarseness. Correct front, good angulations and strong feet. Well bodied with good rib, light loin and strong rear. In profile he shows correctness in skeletal angulation front and rear and holds a strong topline. A good mover too.
3. Jordan: Ch. Dazmarnic Know What I mean JW ShCM


CRITIQUE          -      “BITCHES”

I would like to “THANK” The Officers & Committee of Northern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club for inviting me to judge Bitches at their Breed Championship Show on 14thSeptember 2024, which was an honour and a pleasure for me, and also the kind hospitality shown to me.   I would also like to “Thank” the Exhibitors for their entries (103 entries) and the opportunity of going over some very nice bitches and the sporting manner in which they accepted my decisions (which after all is only my opinion). A special word of “Thanks” to my Stewards, Pete Naylor and the two girls (whose names I have forgotten – sorry) who made sure everything ran smoothly, which made my job much easier. Also “Thank You” to The President, Paul Liversidge for collecting me at The Airport Hotel and Paul Quinn for driving me to The Airport after The Show!!   This was a very well run Show, with a great atmosphere and in a spacious Venue.  I also had the pleasure of the company of my co-judges CRAIG DILLON (CRAGILS) and Frank Marlow (VULCANSTAFF ) – Thank You for your company.

CLASS 11 – Minor Puppy Bitch (11)

1.     BIGGLESWICK MIND YOUR BACK:  8 months: Red, white front, standard size, good head and bite, good bone, good width to front, level topline, movement good both ways, good backend.

2.    KAMARISTAFF royal duchess:  7 MONTHS: Blk Br. Similar type, compact, good head, dark eye, bite correct, good top line and tail set, movement not as good as winner – as little unsettled.


CLASS 12 – Puppy Bitch (14)

1.    FREDBUR GOGO YOBARI AT NIATONA:  Blk Br. White front and feet Beautiful head shape, good dark round eye, bite correct, pleasing expression, good front and top line held on the move, strong backend.

                                                                                  BEST PUPPY BITCH 

                                                                                  BEST PUPPY IN SHOW.

2.    KAMARISTAFF ROYAL LEGACY:  Blk Br. Slightly finer than winner, nevertheless good type , strong head deep through, good eye and bite, level topline, movement good both ways.



1.    CH. HAMMYSTAFF HOT LOVE:  Red/White, half white head, good substance overall, good head, eye and bite, front ok, a little heavy on shoulder, good top line, strong back end, movement good, good quality coat.

2.    MAGELLASON TIPSY  TILLY:   Blk Br. White front, not as strong as winner, good head deep through, good eye and bite, front and bone, good topline, moving out well!!



1.     ALSHANCORN  SAYS  WHO  “JW”:  Standard size Br., white front, - beautiful outline, good head deep through, dark round eye, distinct stop, bite correct, feminine expression, straight front, correct bone, level topline held on the move, movement  free and easy parallel front and rear. Very eye catching (handled and presented to advantage)

                                                                       BITCH  C.C.  &  B.O.B.(Referee decision)

2.    ROUGESTAFF RED VELVET :  Red dark mask, white front, slightly finer than winner, lovely ear set, good head, eye and bite, good front and bone, level topline, movement a little unsteady at first but ok when settled – showing plenty of spirit.


CLASS 15 – NOVICE  BITCH (11 – 1 AB.)

1.    KAMARISTAFF ROYAL LEGACY:  Standard size Bl/Br. Good outline, strong head deep through, good eye and bite, good front and bone, topline ok. Moving out well.

2.    TRAWDEN SUMMER BREEZE:  A little stronger in head than winner, was 3rd in previous class, Red/WHITE – good eye and bite, a little heavy in shoulder, good topline, moving  out well, handler needs to work more to get her to settle down.




Standard size Br. Good head deep through, distinct stop, dark round eye, strong foreface yet feminine expression, good front and bone and topline held on the move, good back end movement free and easy.

2.    MAXSTAFF MISS VIVIENNE AT TESGLEYSTAFF  Red – a little longer in body and higher on leg – good head, dark eye, bite correct, would like a little more depth of chest, good topline and backend, good quality coat, good muscled back end.



1.    ILLORI CONSTELLATION :  Standard size Blk/Br. Good head deep through, dark round eye, distinct stop, good bite, front and bone, reasonable topline, good backend and moved out well.

2.    SIKASTAFF ALL OF ME AT KAMIFLO:  Slightly finer but similar in size, Blk/Br white front, good head, eye and bite, good front and bone, topline ok, movement ok – not as good as winner.


CLASS 18 – LIMIT BITCH  (12 – 1 Ab.)

1.    KAMARISTAFFS ROYAL VELVET (JW): Standard size Blk/Br. Good type, strong head deep through, distinct stop, dark round eye, strong foreface, good width to the front, good round bone, good neck, topline and  tail set, movement good and good quality oat – good overall balance.

                                                                              RESERVE  C.C.

2.    HATSON GETTING AWAY WITH IT:   Standard size Blk/Br. Good head, eye and bite, a little heavy in ear, good front and bone, good neck, topline and tail set. Movement good both ways.


CLASS 19  -  OPEN BITCH     (8 – 2 Abs.)


1.    CH. NORTHSTAFF BAY BOMBER FOR CROWNSTAFF  (JW):  Standard size Blk/Br. Good outline, good head, eye and bite, good front and bone, neck, topline etc. good rear angulation, movement good, and good coat.

2.    SENORITA MUY BONITA DU CIAN MOLOTOV: standard size Blk/Br. Good head, dark eye and correct bite, ear set a little high, good front and bone, good neck and topline,  movement ok – not as good as winner…


CLASS 20 – VETERAN BITCH  (7 – 3 Abs.)


12 years –  Top size Red/|White – good head, dark round eye – bite still ok. Good front and bone, still holding a level topline on the move.

2.    ZAKSTAFF WINTER FELL (JW)  8 years – Stronger than winner  Blk/Br. Good head, eye and bite, good front and bone, topline ok. Movement a little close behind.





Thomas M Hehir