NCSBTC Championship Show 2016
Photos and Critiques
Judges: Bev Harrison (dogs) and Paul Quinn (Bitches)

BIS & BCC - Nerotoro Stella JW

RBIS & DCC - Chaine’s Ch Jazz De Power Breton

Besy Puppy In Show - Callastaff Moon River

RBCC - Ch Berrystock Charlies Angel JW

Best Opposite Sex Puppy - Higham’s Callastaff Lakeland Lad
Northern Counties Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Championship Show
18th September 2016
First, I would like to thank the Northern Counties Club and Committee for the invitation to judge Dogs at this well loved, well-attended and well-run Championship Show. Second, a big thank you to everyone who entered. The quality was really good and some very nice dogs went card-less. I judge the dogs when invited and only the dogs as integrity in judging is really important. The lead up to this show was personally challenging in many ways but despite this I really enjoyed the day. Staffords are a tremendous breed of dog with a wonderful temperament that always make me smile. Last but not least thank you to my stewards Pete Naylor, Gordon Flavell & Steph Callaghan who looked after me and the ring throughout the day.
Minor Puppy 5 (a 1)
1st Fox’s Jolihem Solid Ground
Brindle and white pied aged 6 month of good quality and balance. Very good shape to his clean head with no wrinkle around the muzzle. He has round dark eyes and a good expression with pigmentation to die for. He has a deep under jaw with good width to his muzzle. Correct bite, ears a little big but his head will catch up. His skull is deep, and overall has a very pleasing head. His front is well boned if a little slack, which should tighten up as he get fitter and matures. He has a very pleasing profile and with level top-line and ample depth to his brisket, so short coupled with a good width to his ham, bend of stifle is sufficient, tail set good and plenty of rib, Moved and handled well.
2nd Breckell’s Chiswelstaff Lets Dance
A beautiful black brindle puppy, 8 months, beautiful head and expression, with dark round well placed eyes enhancing his lovely expression, neat tidy ears which he used to his advantage. Correct bite. He showed well with plenty of character, another top-notch puppy with balance and type in abundance, Front good with enough bone to show balance. Short coupled with a level top-line. Moved and handled well. I will love watching these puppies in the future, good luck.
3rd Southall’s Beckash Up N Atem
Another lovely puppy with a beautiful head, just preferred the front of the second place.
Res Campbell’s Diamondstaff Jack N Black
Puppy 9 (1)
1st Higham’s Callastaff Lakeland Lad
I just loved this black brindle dog, what a puppy, a head to die for with a stunning expression, he has the neatest of ears that frame his head beautifully, his eyes are coal black and round. Correct bite. A good depth and width to his skull, just so clean in his lip too. His last puppy class, I believe, and his maturity showed in this class. He is in lovely condition, gleaming from head to toe with health and fitness, a balanced puppy with very clean lines and no exaggeration. Balanced in head and body. Front is straight with the correct weight of bone to show strength but not overdone. Strong neck blending nicely into well-placed shoulders, top-line level with short-coupled body and balanced depth of brisket for rib. Powerful rear quarters with ample bend to stifle. Correct tail set, moved and handled well. My best puppy dog who was beaten to best puppy in show by his sister. Cant wait to see his progress in the ring, for me he is stunning.
2nd Thomas’ Biggleswick Gods Me Judge
Brindle and white puppy of substance and balance, with a beautiful clean head and expression. The neatest of ears, which he uses to his advantage to frame his lovely face, eye shape and placement great and overall gave a very typey expression. Nice width and depth to his muzzle with clean lips showing off good depth to his under jaw. Correct bite. He has a balanced body with ample bone for his size. Front is straight with a good depth to his brisket. He is short coupled with a level top-line and nicely angled rear quarters. Moved and handled well. Another very nice puppy indeed.
3rd Freeman & Davis’ Kylestaff Moonlight Shadow at Windstaff
I really like this puppy too but he does not show himself to advantage. He has such a beautiful head and there is a beautiful puppy there. I wonder if the noise got the better of him today.
Res Darby’s Manark Guns N Roses
VHC Wall & Web’s Manark Mad Max
Junior 16 (1) Quality in abundance in this class
1st Mayren’s Bellarouge Adonis at Fergiestaff JW
Stunning red and white, you cannot look past. He has so much ring presence, I just love him! Exquisite head with stunning expression, neat ears framing a clean strong head with correct strength of muzzle. He has the darkest of round eyes and black pigment to match, with correct bite. He is in fit hard condition and has a good blend and balance to him. Good straight front with ample bone. The sturdy neck blends into correct shoulders. Level top-line with a well-sprung rib, he has a waistline which some are missing (Staffordshire Bull Terriers are not English Bull Terriers). You can see every muscle on him. Good tail set. Powerful rear quarters with ample bend of stifle. He has the neatest of feet. Moved with drive and did everything his owner asked of him and on another day he will win the big prizes, I’m sure.
2nd O’Donovan & Corcoran’s Molru Alright Dave
Black brindle of real quality and type with a beautiful head and expression. Neatest of ears, good width between his dark round eyes, clean lip with a good depth to his under jaw and width to his muzzle. He has a correct bite. A balanced dog with no exaggerations. His front is straight with a good weight of bone and neat feet. He is in good, fit muscular condition. Good body shape with level top-line, good spring to his rib and ample depth of brisket. Thick hams with good bend of stifle to the rear quarters. Correct tail set. Moved and handled very well.
3rd Jones & Davies’ Maxsta Prince Of Celts
Very pleasing boy with a beautiful head and expression, clean and balanced, moved and handled well.
Res Turner’s Quatros Ironclad Buddy
VHC Partington’s Manark Bronze’s Star
Yearling 9 (1)
1st Puggaard’s Beautystaff’s Dark And Handsome
Top-sized quality black brindle, with a beautiful head and keen expression. He has well placed dark round eyes and the neatest of ears. Correct bite. A very handsome boy in good condition. Although he is top-sized he is very balanced with it, shown in fit hard condition, which is evident in his muscular definition. Alert in the ring watching every move I made, moved and handled well
2nd McClelland’s Ch Rochlawie Behold The Hour JW
Black brindle of great quality, with beautiful head and expression, just lacked a little sparkle today. A very worthy champion with beautiful balance through-out, in very fit condition moved and handled very well.
3rd Turner & Neale’s Tegum Shadow Of A Saint
Top sized black brindle. Another with a beautiful head and expression again in a fit muscular condition moved and handled well.
Res Winwood, Tunnah & Kerry’s Nerotoro Dark Element
VHC Clough’s My Top Gun Maverick at Ingenio
Novice 4 (0)
1st Darby’s Manark Guns N Roses
Black brindle standard dog with lovely head and expression, neat ears, correct bite, good width and depth to his skull and plenty of under-jaw. Good overall body shape moved and handled well.
2nd Wall & Web’s Manark Mad Max
Top size black brindle dog with exquisite expression, the neatest of ears and round eye placed well, correct bite, front ok, level top line good body shape in lovely condition moved well.
3rd Kendall’s Rossobull Diamond Geezer
Red with good head, deep through skull and dark eye, correct bite in good condition, moved and handled well.
Res Hoareau’s Lasko
Graduate 6 (0)
1st Rowe & South’s Illori Akinlana
Black brindle of real quality with a good head and keen expression. One of the fittest dogs here today a credit to his owner/handler. Correct bite. Very good straight well boned front with neat feet. Strong muscular neck leading into well placed shoulders. Top-line level, well sprung rib and short-coupled body, muscular rear quarters with good bend of stifle and got good tail set. Short tight coat, there is a lot to like about this dog. Moved and handled very well.
2nd Asker’s Dazmarnic Cetewaysos Kraal
Quality red and white dog with beautiful head and expression, dark eye and good pigmentation, clean lips and correct bite. Very good and well boned straight front, feet ok. Good body shape and balance, just could be a little fitter. Moved and handled well.
3rd Partington’s Manark Bronze’s Star
Nice black brindle of quality, nice head and expression, correct bite, in good condition, moved and handled well.
ResWall & Web’s Manark Mad Max
VHC Hopkins’ Trulllestaff Papinashuash
Post Graduate 15 (3)
1st Rowbotham’s Elitebull Black And Brass JW
Beautiful black brindle in gleaming condition with a beautiful head very clean and strong. Neat ears framing his lovely expression with dark round well placed eye and a good width and depth to his muzzle. Correct bite. Well boned straight front with neat feet and a good depth to his brisket. Level top line with a good spring to his rib. Fit muscular condition, tight short coat, good tail set, strong quarters, moved and handled well.
2nd Davies’ Ginstean Man Of God at Cwn Hardd
Standard black brindle with an outstanding head and expression, big round eyes looking back at me, uses his little neat and tidy ears to an advantage framing his face. Correct bite. Good front, neat feet and correct weight of bone. He is very typey and balanced no exaggerations in good condition move and handled well.
3rd Martinez’s Bullbrother Dr Who
Standard black brindle of quality, very balanced and in lovely condition. Correct bite and very good body, moved and handled very well
ResDean’s Kylestaff Muddy Waters JW ShCM
VHC McDermott’s Macadermus Midnight Caller
Limit 18 (2)
1st Chaine’s Jazz De Power Breton
I think this dog is one of the best red dogs I have ever seen, I just love him from the end of his nose to the tip of his tail, he fits the standard for me perfectly. His head shape and expression are superb the darkest of eyes round and perfectly placed. His pigmentation is dark, his ears are rose and neat, he is clean in the lip with a good width of muzzle and depth of under-jaw. Correct bite. Very good front with correct weight of bone. Short neck blending into good shoulder correctly placed. Good depth to his brisket and spring to his rib. Level top line and short coupled body. Correct bend of stifle with good width of ham. Good tail set, very neat feet and short tight coat. Moved and handled extremely well. I was very happy to award him the CC and make him up to a very worthy champion.
2nd Jackson’s Molru Nothing Else Matters
Brindle, with quality in abundance. Love this boy, he has a beautiful head and expression, very clean with neat ears. Correct bite and good straight front. He is in lovely fit condition with a attractive body shape. Well muscled with powerful rear quarters. Short coupled with a level top line and deep brisket. Neat feet and moved and handled well.
3rd Stanway’s Waystaff Double Trouble
Red and white of quality with a lovely head expression and correct bite, he has a very good front. Very short coupled body with a good top line and good depth of brisket. Moved and handled very well.
Res Houwaart’s Kegs On Legs Fearsom Devil
VHC Whitley’s Ginstean Black Bomber
Open 20 (3)
1st Halifax’s Jackstaff Spanish Gold
Substantial red with many qualities. He has a beautiful head with stunning expression, dark round eyes, clean lips, good depth of under-jaw and correct bite. Well boned straight front with ample depth of brisket, short neck leading in to correct shoulder placement. He has that very good body shape I look for with a level top line and the depth of brisket leading to a good tuck-up. He has a good waistline and very powerful quarters with a well-bent stifle. He is in very good fit muscular condition, neat feet and a good tail set. He moved and handled very well. I was very sorry he had to go home before any photos were taken of the day for me.
2nd Smith’s Ch Staffash The Hurricane
Top sized red and white probably the best mover on the day. I love this very worthy champion. Very good head with very nice expression and dark round eyes, neat ears and clean lips, good black pigmentation, correct bite, his character shines out. Very good front, correct weight of bone, neat feet. He is very balanced and a very good side view with level top line and powerful rear quarter, good tail set short tight coat in good condition moved and handled well. Overall a stunning dog
3rd Hedges & McBride’s Brohez Rubin Hurricane
Black brindle of quality and balance beautiful head and expression the darkest of eyes and neat ears. Correct bite, lovely body shape, in good condition, moved and handled well.
Res Grove’s Manark Murphey’s Law
VHC Stone & Bruton’s Ch/Swe/Nor/ Ch Zakstaff Roumour Has It JW
Veteran 15 (14)
1st Matthews & Patrick’s Absolute Star
Standard brindle, eight and a half years old. He has a lovely head and expression topped off with a distinguished grey muzzle, correct bite and the neatest of ears. He is in lovely condition and thoroughly enjoyed his day as did his mum, moved and handled very well.
Judge Bev Harrison
Northern Counties SBT Club
Championship Show Sunday 18th September 2016.
Having judged dogs at this show over 20 years ago it was a great pleasure to be asked to judge again, and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. I would like to thank the exhibitors who showed their bitches under me, and the sporting way that they accepted my decisions. Also I would like to thank my good friends and ring stewards on the day Martin and Karen Johnson, who did a sterling job for me and kept proceedings in good order. Also the commitee who certainly worked their socks off to make the show a great success on the day, special thanks for the picture presented to me after judging was complete, it was a very nice surprise and very apt and will remind me of a most memorable day. I thought the quality of bitches was of a high standard in most classes, and made my judging easier. When you have quality bitches places were made by splitting hairs in a few classes. I came across a couple of bad mouths and a couple of bitches had broken canines, no inverted canines were evident on the day. Tails seemed to have improved with not many bitches carrying them high on the move.
Minor Puppy Bitch. (11) 3 Absent.
1st, Mudds Chiswelstaff Jean Genie, Black Brindle of correct size and make showing a perfect bite with clean tight lips. Well proportioned head with a good stop, neat small ears which were well placed. Nicely sprung ribs, movement was sound both ways should do well in the future. Good choice of name.
2nd, Southalls Beckash Black Ice. Black Brindle who has good qualities but not quite as mature as 1st, showing correct bite with a clean muzzle. Straight in the front, short length of back with a decent topline, adequate rib cage. Moved and handled well.
3rd, Ryan's, Rubericla Little Elita One.
Puppy Bitch, Impressive class this which is good for the future. 15 Entries, 2 Absent.
1st, Scotland's Callastaff Moon River. Quality puppy who has the best of heads with a distinct stop, dark round eyes set wide apart, square muzzle with plenty of strength strong under jaw. Her well boned straight front is set wide apart with correct shoulder placement, short coupled body with a good spring of rib. Ears are very small and carried correctly, her backend is well muscled with a good turn of stifle. This black brindle bitch is a star in the making. Best Puppy In Show.
2nd, Cartwrights Zakstaff Winterfell. Another top quality puppy who will always be in the top placings just unlucky today to meet 1st. She is a smart Black Brindle who also has good strength in her head, clean in the muzzle, correct dentition with tight lips. Neat ear carriage, short strong neck leading to a straight front, short length of back with a good rib cage, moved freely both ways.
3rd, Funnels Power Cherokee.
Junior Bitch, 19 Entries 5 Absent.
1st, McKimms Biggleswick Fifty Fifty. I was very impressed with the overall condition of this standard size red bitch. She has well muscled hindquarters with a hard body to match, her coat is short and dense. Head of good size, correct scissor bite, tight lipped, straight in the front, very tight feet, moved very well.
2nd, Owens Kyraloebis Vive La Juicy At Tagstane. Smart Black Brindle of the correct size and shape, well proportioned head with a distinct stop, dark round eyes, neat ears. Short in the back with ample rib, just 3 days into junior, should have a good future.
3rd, Harts Jackstaff Meant To Be At Albermarbull.
Yearling Bitch, 6 Entries 2 Absent.
1st. Manns Nerotoro Cosmic Girl. Looks good from all angles, clean in the muzzle, tight lipped, deep stop. Straight front with neat tidy feet, correct shoulder placement, would like to see more all round to complete the picture. Shown to a high standard to gain 1st place.
2nd, Millers Skyland Unique. Black Brindle slightly bigger all round, and well balanced. Correct bite, dark round eye, good strength of neck, nicely sprung ribs, moved with drive and purpose. Just preferred smaller ears on the 1st.
3rd, Mathews Janjoma Boniwee girl.
Novice Bitch. 7 Entries 3 Absent.
1st Cartwrights Zakstaff Winterfell.
2nd, Ford & Williams Dajast Sweety With Jam'N Loz. Gave her a reserve in a very strong puppy class, and was not disgraced in that class with the 3 in front of her. She is a dark brindle of standard size, very alert expression, good head shape with small ears, clean in muzzle. Level topline when stacked and on the move, nice puppy.
3rd, Memburys Mitzstaff Strike A Pose.
Graduate Bitch. 6 Entries 0 Absent.
1st, Robinson & Cox Studstaff Sugar and Spice of Hamason. Very eye catching red with white chest and sock, showing a very straight front, correct scissor bite. Well proportioned skull, neat ear carriage, good spring of rib, correct bend of stifle. Topline was carried level when stacked and on the move, moved clear front and back.
2nd, McClellands Rochlawie Bonnie Lass. Dark Brindle in good condition, clean lipped, well set apart round dark eyes. Strong in the neck, showed up on her toes with a keen expression. Well balanced through out, just unlucky to meet 1st in fine form. 3rd. Cartwrights Zakstaff Winterfell.
Post Graduate Bitch, 21 Entries 4 Absent.
1st, Arntzens Catstaff Don't Care. Black Brindle of the correct size, clean in head with no wrinkles, clean muzzle with tight lips, correct dentition. Well angulated when viewed from the side, feet were nice and tight, topline was maintained on the move and stood. Keen expression and alert at all times, moved and handled well.
2nd, Houwaarts Nerotoro Shining Star. A compact Black Brindle of standard size with a neat and tidy ear carriage, correct round dark eyes, good depth of stop, well sprung ribs, well muscled on the hindquarter. Managed to keep a level topline on the move, moved and handled well.
3rd, Moureu- Larrangs I Need Your Money Du Clan' Molotov.
Limit Bitch. 18 Entries. 3 Absent.
1st Winwood & Tunnahs Nerotoro. Stella JW Black Brindle who oozes breed type and immense quality, showing the correct strength of head with good depth. Neatest of ears set at the right position, correct round dark eye set wide apart. Solid strength of neck leading onto correct shoulder placement, with a straight front, tight padded feet. Adequate rib at this stage, her coat was short and shiny in condition. Topline was level at all times, tail setting was right. This girl demands attention and certainly got it from me with her wicked expression, a pleasure to award her the CC and went on to gain best in show. I would say that she will have no trouble gaining her title sooner rather than later.
2nd, Bryan's Felkirkstaff Galadriel. Another Black Brindle who is of the correct type and size, showing a beautiful expression with a keen round dark eye. Was of good size and depth, plenty of strength in the muzzle which was clean, nice compact body with a good spring of rib. She looks better now that you have put more weight on her, moved and handled well.
3rd. Corcorans Molru Beacause I'm Worth It .
Open Bitch, 15 Entries3 Absent.
1st, Rogers Ch. Berrystock Charlie's Angel JW Always admired the all round strength of this standard size Black Brindle bitch, and was not disappointed when going over her. She has a stunning head, correct round dark eye, clean in the muzzle, correct scissor bite with no sign of lippiness. Straight in the front with a good depth of brisket, short in back with a well rounded rib. Superb well muscled hind quarters, very keen expression, correct tail carriage. Handled to a high standard to win the reserve CC, certainly worthy of her title.
2nd, Pijloo- Dekeysers Virzula Irresitible. Predominantly white with correct pigmentation all round. Beautiful coat condition which was short and smooth, lovely Rose ears, strong headshape with good deep stop. Excellant dentition with good under jaw, strong short neck, wide straight front. Well developed ribs, tapered in at the loins leading to well muscled hind quarters. Just preferred head of 1st.
3rd, Wilsons Bullhawk Jessie Jay At Northsatff .
Veteran Bitch. 37 Entries. 32 Absent.
1st, Hopkins CH Trufflestaff Monifa Kanika. Black Brindle of 9 years, certainly does not look her age. Standard size with a clean cut outline, short compact in body, head of good proportion. Clean lipped, straight in the front, good width to chest, well rounded rib. Correct bend of stifle, moved up and down with ease. Best veteran in show.
2nd, Funnels Ch Kewaunee Pocahontas For Powerpack JW. Another 9 year old who is in good condition, Black Brindle of good size and make. Correct dark eye, neat ears, broad skull with a decent stop, good spring of rib. Tail carried correctly, moved and handled well.
3rd, Stanways Ch Waystaff Strikes again JW.
Judge. Paul Quinn.